At account at the Cookies during the navigation

One cookie (or computer cookie) is a small information routed by a website and stored at the browser of the user, so that the website can consult the previous activity of the user.


Can you permit, block or delete the cookies installed at his squad by means of the configuration of the options of the browser installed at his computer.

If it is not sure on which type and version of browser utilises to access at internet:

For Windows: click at ‘Aid’ at the top of the window of his browser and select the option ‘On’.


Google Chrome

  1. Click at the menu of Chrome Chrome situated at the toolbar of the browser.
  2. It selects “Configuration”.
  3. Click at “Showing options advanced…”
  4. At the section “Privacy”, clicked at the button “Configuration of content…”.
  5. At the section “Cookies”, can configure the options that signify at continuation: Delete cookies, block or permit the cookies of way predetermined, include exceptions of cookies of commands or specific websites.
  6. For main detail, query the aid of Google Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. At the top of the window of Firefox, clicked at the button Firefox and selects “Options”.
  2. It selects the panel “Privacy”.
  3. At “Firefox will be able to:” it elects “to Utilise a configuration customised for the record”.
  4. Marca the option “Accept cookies” to actuate them, and desmarca-the to deactivate them.
  5. If you do not want to get cookies of third don’t mark “Accept cookies of third”.
  6. You can consult the aid of Mozilla for more information


  1. Click at “Safari” at the top of the window of his browser and select the option ‘Preferences’.
  2. Click at “Privacy”.
  3. At the section “Block cookies” select one of the following options according to interest him: “Of advert and third”, “Always”, or “Mai”.

It operates

  1. Click at “Configuration” at the top of the window of the browser and select ‘Options’.
  2. At continuation select the eyelash “Advanced” and at the list of the left select “Cookies”.
  3. At continuation, select “to Accept cookies”.
  4. It has of three options according to his preference: “Accept cookies

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